Monday, July 16, 2007

What to look like when you can't hear yourself starving.

I did a lil photo shoot yesterday and this picture came out of it. I really look like I'm a sexy hungry deaf person.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Did I mention..

.... that I covered a bus in fabric? Most people know that I like to make and design clothing. A turn of events has led me to an interesting, more artistic side of design. Through my work with flight2mars I recently was given the challenge of turning the Squiddudah bus (before it was a birthday cake it was a squid. No seriously. Just a squid. There's nothing to explain.) into a giant birthday cake.

It is 12 feet high, 30 feet long and consists of 440 yards of tulle. I did everything but the letters - with the help of Kevin (thanks for the coffee and yay) and Meishan (thanks for everything all the time Julie Newmar) I got it done in just two weeks.

Friday, July 13, 2007

It's Time to Get Crazy Nick Nolte Style

I have had so much energy lately. I'm not sure if its the sun, the breakup, the zip real idea. I've been sleeping like a truck driver. I wake up every two hours sort of with a start - wide eyed and crazy and sort of feeling like taking a jog. All of this crazy energy has led me to only one conclusion: I'm going to dress like Nick Nolte for Jon's party on Saturday night.
Yes folks, it's International Con Air Day. When we gather together, dress up like our favorite convicts and watch the movie Con Air. I've got my hawaiian shirt. I've got my crazy person hair ready: Nick Nolte here I come. I might make jewelry from pill bottles if I have time.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

My New Bad Influence

My stomach just hasn't been right in the last few days.

That's all.

Anywho, went camping last weekend. It was enormously fun but I'm sure reading about it wouldn't be as big a thrill. It was the type of weekend where many inside jokes get made. It was rainy and sunny (left me with a sunburn actually). It was fun to the point of tiring. Now I'm thinking, "The Man burns in 60 days? I'll never ever make it through the burn this year." I'm pooped out.
I had a great dance party in the middle of the forest that really was great. Met some new fabulous people. And the semi new ones were fun too - those people who you didn't realize knew your name. Good bonding time with both of my Matt friends. Lil' Matty sure is a bad influence on me though.
My very first best friend was Johanna Freiheit (I believe there are pics of her on the blog somewhere). I took her for show and tell in Kindergarten. I announced to the class, "This is my best friend Johanna. I do whatever she says." This, apparently, it my exact same feeling about Matt. It's just that it's not stuff like "kick that bike tire" or "eat all the bananas in my jello". Oh no. It's more "get drunk and go swim in the freeeeeezing river!" And I do. Can't help it. Can't not do what Matt tells me to.