Thursday, May 29, 2008

This How It Goes in the Haus of Blo

Jlo and I are having fun in the new digs. Still haven't had time to unpack the bedroom but it will happen. For right now I'm in a deep denial regarding my obscene clothing collection and the fact that it takes three closets, a dresser and a large shoe rack to house. How did Carey do it in Sex in the City? Where did all those clothes live?

Meanwhile... the lettuce I planted is growing...I haven't killed it yet!

We haven't had time to go buy coffee filters for the new coffee maker Mom bought for us (thanks momma!) so we McGuyver'ed it for a few days. God forbid we not have coffee.

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "their genius is overwhelming." And if you're my mom you're thinking, "don't ruin those oven mitts!!!"

We also started getting our Spud order. For those of you who don't know, Spud (formerly Pioneer Organics) is a grocery delivery service that brings, fresh, organic, LOCAL produce to your doorstep. It's all from farms in and around Seattle and it's all GOOD. Yummy stuff! Here's a photo of our first order:

Also, June (my bird) is really pissed about Josh moving in. How do I know? This. This is how I know:


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