Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Scooty Mc Scootsalot

Here I am. Day two. I really am gonna start writing in this bloggy again. I kinda love it because it's so naughty of me. My own laptop decided to blow it's brains out last weekend. So right now I am blogging at work. Naughty.

Spent much of last night hard at work and crafting again. Good conversation kept me going. I woke with a sore throat this morning - perhaps a week straight of midnight bedtimes is catching up with me? I hope not because I'm really looking forward to a great weekend. Just your basic camping trip full of hot dogs, whiskey and sparkly fringe. Jesus. I'm sure that our camping trips look like a trip to Studio 54 to most people.

I'm really into using the word "scoot" whenever possible. It's a damn cute word.

I went on a bit of a shopping spree yesterday. Bought new playa boots. Eww. They are wet hot. I can't wait to give them a spin.
Bought sunglasses - my old ones bit the dust the same day my laptop blew it's brains out. It's been a hard week for my hardware.
Finally bought "Back to Black". I said last night that I thought this would be the really annoying cd of the summer. It's dripping with soul, moaning and great words like "fuckery". I've been listening to it since yesterday afternoon. It will be all played out by tomorrow. Anyone want to borrow it? Must trade for a Decemberists cd.

Now scoot.

Monday, June 25, 2007

The Big Break

I haven't written in this sucker since right after I left New York last year. Unbelievable. How is it - and please tell me I'm not the only person who does this - you think to yourself "I'll just take a week off".... suddenly it's 6 months later. That's how people get fat and stay fat. They just go, "I'll eat this one cookie.." and POOF! They are 52 and 320 pounds with a cholesterol of 442.
Moral? Eat fruit. Keep writing in your blog.

Well, it's a sunny day in June.
I have a bird name June. In general, he's a cranky, he pulls out his own feathers, he doesn't like anyone unless they are feeding him, he poops about every 10 minutes, and spits his food AWAY from the cage to annoy me. He's a dick wad. So, lately, in my mind, I've changed his time. I feel like this is a good place reveal his new name: Screamy McPoopsalot.

Right. It's a sunny day in June. Sitting here watching the duck rides go past on Lake Union (if you don't know about the duck rides it's cause you're not from Seattle. Don't sweat it. ) I'm looking forward to drinking margaritas in my girlfriend Jaki's backyard after work. Not too many margaritas (I'll save that super human drinking shit for next weekend at Critical Massive) cause I have to go help Jlo with the fancy golf cart thing he's making. It has a real name: the radioator?? Whatever. I tried to find the link on google but the truth is... I don't know the name. I should know the name but I don't know the name. So sue me.
This week has been a very exciting, long marathon of crafting. I have sewed in the rain, screamed bloody murder at a piece of purple thread, danced to "I want your sex" while sewing and babysitting at the same time - I am not maternal so no judggies with the sex + kids thing, I did the best I knew how - I've done laundry in Renton for no good reason, slept on a side walk, propped up giant candles, screwed, hemmed, poked myself, laughed, taken many pictures and gotten totally exhausted in the name of Flight. 2. Mars. Amen. It was the birth of the birthday cake bus. And it's a big, 30 foot long, 12 foot tall baby girl dressed in 440 yards of tulle. Pictures and announcements forthcoming.

Work is good. The new apartment is Divine! I took a very long bath last night - it was very seventh grade emo of me. I lit candles and put in bath salts (lavender), put my ipod on and sunk into a very long daydream. All bolts of light, running barefoot, messy hair kind of daydream. Lots of long looks and really really torturous longing. Last night, my daydream was the perfect summer novel.

And THAT, my friends, was my first post in a very long while. Congratulations to me!