Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Is Wowza a Word? Or is it a Sound?

Wowza. Long week.

The longer I'm in New York City the more I'm focused on money. How to make it, how to spend it , where to get it, when you get it, ect. Now I'm not blaming this solely on Manhattan because a bit of it has to have something to do with my mind on San Fran. But it costs so damn much just to BE here.
I really just want to stay home a sew. I have soooo many ideas right now. Especially for burning man. Coats, capes, caplets, jackets, thigh highs, fur bikinis, hats, gloves, shrugs, skirts, ect. I can't stop drawing them. Life would be so cool if I could just buy the perfect fabrics and have them guaranteed to sell. Then it wouldn't have to worry about the overhead.
My friend Tai is going to buy the tunic dress I made and wear it to a wedding in Paris. I love the idea that my designs take a little bit of me with them where ever they go. Almost as if I get to go to that wedding and live in Paris with Tai.
We send out a letter asking people to take pictures of themselves wearing our clothes so we can eventually put those pictures up on our website. A friend of Adam's has offered to make us one. This is really cool because I went to the library thinking I could just read a book and design a website. What kind of idiot am I? Building a website is like my running for Miss America. Like me trying to invent plastic. Walk on my hands across the Brooklyn Bridge!! AHHHHHHHHHH!! Web design is a nasty little bitch! Not doing it. Nope. That's why this smart guy is doing it: 1. He's free 2. He's totally not me.
Things that I think we should feature on the website:
1. Sandy Duncan's affinity for Betsy and Vonia Designs (BVD. duh.)
2. A bulldog wearing booties
3. Giant popsicle sticks
4. An entire evening gown made of metrocards

What do you think?

You're right. I'll add that to the list...

5. Boobs.


Blogger The Brianna said...

I will come and eat all the giant popsicles on your website. Just watch.

12:44 PM, June 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do I love the pony pic so much? I feel like it's the greatest thing I've seen in a very long time!

9:19 PM, July 03, 2006  

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