Saturday, May 20, 2006

The Ring Was Not Silver People! NOT SILVER!

I bought an ipod right before I left Seattle. My friend Daniel told me that having one made the city into a giant music video. I've always wanted to be in a music video. So I bought one. I just want to say here that if I was in a music video I'd like to be doing cartwheels across the hoods of two jaguars. Like Tauni Kitane in that Whitesnake video. Why is "Whitesnake" one word? Ever wonder that?
I digress. Over the course of the last few months, my ipod has changed my life. I'm rapidly exploring new genres of music. I'm like sponge for sounds. There are a few that I've really become accustom to - a few songs that will remind me of this part of my life for the rest of my life. I'm sure many of you relate to my ipod phenomena.
Side note - for those of you who like crafty song writing and sweet lyrics, you should really go out and buy Rosie Thomas' If Songs Could Be Held. It's like a really rich desert.
Nobody does it for me the way Ryan Adams does. I bought his album "gold" when I was in college but I didn't get it. I was like, "he's boring. I'm bored. I sold my textbook and bought new jeans." Anyway, all this writing so far has led up to the point that; I really like Ryan Adams. I hear he's a royal pain in the ass in person but I'll never meet him so that's o.k.
I wanna give a quick shout out to all of you who have been reading my blog....hello Shoo, Bevin, Evan and everyone else out there. It's nice to know that my frantic ravings are laughed at by those who love me. Momsie. I love ya babe.
I was in the East Village this morning. Man, I dig that place. Everything is little, and large, and colorful, and really darkly lit. We went to a big out door market where you can barter/bargain for old dresses, eight tracks, antique bikes and everything in between. I bought a ring - I was proud of myself for bickering with the guy who was selling them. When I was done he called me "smart." That made me feel good. Then, when I was handing him the money, he accidentally brushed his hand against my boob. There was a horribly awkward moment after which we chose to ignore the boob brush. Then I turned, walked into a table, and then walked away. Ten minutes later, the "smart" girl's ring finger turned a bright shade of green. Crap ass.


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