Friday, June 23, 2006


You know, it's funny, I write in my blog everyday. Around four o'clock, on the uptown F train...
I'm gettin around to actually writing it all down though. My computer has been hatin on me in the last week. I had to wipe off the hard drive and start with a clean slate. Everything seems to be working well now though - I've worked out some kinks, things are working better. I think I got a virus (picture my laptop barfing). And then, I also had problems with the very expensive, very new Norton security system my dad had installed on my computer. It doesn't like me. But apparently it LOOOOOVES viruses because it sure as hell pulled the goaly for them. Poop on Norton.
I'm gonna write more tomorrow but I wanted to put up some pictures of me and my friend Johanna. Johanna and I have known eachother since I was 6mo. (she was 8mo) old! We have an amazing friendship and bond that has spanned our lives so far and I'm sure will last until we leave this planet. Although we corespond regularly, we haven't SEEN each other for 11 years. Until last night.


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