Friday, April 14, 2006

The Alarmist

Yesterday was my day of alarms. I went out to lunch with Daniel and by the time I got back... The apartment next door, or downstairs - but somewhere near- had some type of alarm going off. For hours. I'm sitting at my laptop, trying to work on my resume and it's like, 'Beep, beep, beeeeeep" every 5 seconds. Seriously. Five seconds. I timed it.
So I call Vonia. "MAKE THE BEEPING END." She thinks it's the carbon monoxide alarm in the apartment next door. Then I proceed to freak out over what that actually means. I even called Ben to see if carbon monoxide was a gas that rises or falls (just in case it's one of those rising gases, it's downstairs and it's floating up to come kill me.) I opened the window. I checked myself dementia every twenty minutes.
"Betsy, do you feel like passing out?"
"Is that feeling margarita from lunch or the killer carbon monoxide??"
The alarm went off for over 5 hours. Someone came to turn off the alarm right after Vonia got home. I still hear the beeping in my head. I make up songs to it. I can't write them down here but they exist. They just don't translate to the computer screen. Maybe that monoxide DID get to me...
We went over to Vonia's friend Patrick's apartment last night. Everyone was wearing white. Of course I was in black. I didn't get the "wear white" memo apparently. First of all, Patrick's apartment is a 6 floor walk up. *&^*&^&$#??? Who can stand that?? I'm not out of shape and that fucker almost killed me. Like climbing Kilimanjaro to get up there.
Patrick has a bunch of friends who are adorably insane like yours truly. I had a great time. Patrick is a novelist and recently wrote a book about Matthew shepherd's (Matthew was killed in a horrific hate crime while he was attending the University of Wyoming. He was a theater student there and I know several people who knew him.) best friend, who was responsible for much of the press coverage of his death. We had a great conversation. He also has a picture of himself and Sarah Jessica Parker on his fridge. She has great skin. Just sayin.
We set off an alarm when we tried to go on the roof of the apartment building. Oops. This horrible alarm went of the entire time we were there. Patrick's neighbors must hate him. You could even hear it from the street. And we were there for at least 3 hours. It sounded like a smoke alarm. Double oops.
I also met a girl who works for MTV and I'm going to send her my resume today. Apparently, they have a small pool of people to temp. Throughout the company (MTV, VH1, Nicholodeon) That sounds like fun to me. Plus, she said you can wear whatever you damn well please. Some people look for jobs where they can take long lunch breaks, have paid vacations, bring their dog to work, ect. I look for the job that lets me dress how I want to dress. I think it says something about the creativity level and the atmosphere of the office. And I want to re-pierce my nose. So sue me. A little weirdness goes a long way with me.
I'm also madly applying for a lot of office jobs within the film world. Post production houses, casting agencies, ect. I hate looking for jobs. But I love the interview. I love auditioning. Just get me in the door and I'll get the job.
Vonia also took me to Mood a few days ago. It was the end all, be all, of fabric stores. So many colors, so many fabrics. For those who know me well, they will recognize that this was pivotal for me. Everyday New York City reminds me why I want to be here.


Blogger Shoo shoo said...

dude i wanna visit!

4:55 PM, April 18, 2006  

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