Wednesday, December 12, 2007

On the Island of I Don't Give a Shit.

I was at Kiki's birfday party on Saturday night - having a great time as you can see from the photos - and thought to myself, "Wow. My ear is starting to hurt!" After an hour and a half I start to pull on my ear, is it the kareoke or what?! Before I know it, and this happened quickly, like within two hours, my head was splitting in pain. Josh gathered me up and took me home - by the time we got there I was crying in pain. I don't think I've done that since I broke my wrist at Burning Man a few years back. Wowza. All I could think was, I feel so so sorry for little babies who go through this and can't communicate it. I read a novel a few years ago about a man who had problems with emotional distance and anger in his adult life as a result of crippling ear infections as a child. His therapist basically figured out that he had been hospitalized for ear infections as an infant and that his adult feelings of anger, mistrust and abanonment came from the trauma of a ear infected little peanut person. Now, when I first read this I was like, "whatever. This is a stupid load of therapy poo." But sitting on the edge of the bed the other night - even my toes curled up in pain - I had a break through. If I had had ear pain like this as an infant I would be smokin crack today. No shiz. It really super sucked.

You know what doesn't suck? When you call your dad and he calls you "Pookie" and makes it all better. That's what my dad did. I think my dad is perfect. My dad is better than YOUR dad.

I also must give mad props to the pain pills Josh had left over. What's up oxywhateveryou'recalled! You are awesome. You didn't really dull the pain all that much but you sent me to the island of I Don't Give A Shit and that really helped.

Thanks also to Joshua who has been driving me around for the last three days because I was either on the Island or riding some serious vertigo waves.

Despite numbing pain and general wooziness I did manage to get my Christmas photo taken. Yes, we copied Brandon and Shoo Shoo (minus the engagement part because that part freaks me out) and are now working on our xmas photo. We even got the dogs in it! Yay for Tommy and Charlie - they should be on ANTM. Stay tuned for the real thing. For now, here's a sneak peak...


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