Saturday, September 16, 2006

Punched in the Neck! (made you read)

I've been going blog crazy in the past few days. Bloggy.
Going over blog.
Takin it to the blog.
Blogs away!

Umkay. So read 'em all folks. My life is moving at the speed of light right now. I need you to keep up with me. For my friends who can't read - I'll have more pictures soon (other than ones that I just added of Burningman). Just work on the "reading" thing and I'll update you when I see you. I hope you learn to read. That's a bummer.

I don't know what happened last night but if feels like someone punched the back of my throat. Like if you could unhinge my jaw like a snake and then punch the back of my throat. That's what it feels like. I think my tonsils are bruised. Wha? How did I do that? I'm sort of proud of myself.

So my "going away" party was last night. I had to work but closed the restaurant early. At night, we only have some food, beer and wine. There was a party for the hat shop opening down the block and they were GIVING AWAY FOOD, BEER, AND WINE. Are you kidding me? So we closed at 10pm.

Obviously at 10, I'm like, "where's my party?" So I sat with the crazy dog lady and her dog on the front stoop of work for another hour. Reason 587, volume A, subparagraph B, why I should leave Manhattan.


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