Thursday, September 14, 2006

Hey Seattle! Wanna date?

I'm sittin at home today, waiting for my UPS guy (What up! Maah North in the house!). He came this morning to pick up my stuff but didn't have enough room in the truck - I don't have much shit but whatever- so now I'm waiting for him to come back. It seems fitting that Maah brought my stuff to me in NYC and how he'll usher it out. He's my possessions' dulah.
I have a few more days before I return to the Emerald City. That's cool. I could leave now, I could hang out for another month. Whatever. What's that? I'm in denial? Wow. News Flash.
I'm really excited about doing some normal things. On the top of my list is practicing Nia again. Before I left for Manhattan I was practicing 4 to 5 days a week. I'm ready to get back into it (Nia in NYC proved to be one step past impossible. The only way to take classes is to join a 300 to 400 sports club). I'm worried because my feet are fucked up. I broke a toe in my right foot right after I got here and messed up my left foot wearing high heels on a booze cruise with Miss Kathy Kim. A guy at burningman told me it was because my metatarsal was separated or in the process of separating from the muscle. I don't know but it kinda feels like that. But are you really gonna believe some dude who was playing with your feet at Burningman? Humph.
I'm excited to get a hair cut. I'm excited to walk through the doors of a Grocery Outlet. I'm excited to rock it with DJ Valpack at the Bus Stop on Sunday afternoon. I wanna run around Greenlake. Ok. That's a lie. I'll probably walk/run.
Hey Seattle? Wanna date?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Date? Seattle wants to go steady baby!! As far as classes go too--we have a weekly Chi Gong (sp?) class that's free that I need a buddy to go with because I just can't motivate myself--you down?

--Jess T.

8:58 PM, September 14, 2006  

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